AR\VR Courses

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AR\VR Courses

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) is taking innovation through unexplored roads in Simulation, Medical research and Communication industries. Virtual reality (VR) infers a total new experience that closes you out from the physical world . Putting a VR headset over your eyes will leave you blind to the current world, but will expand your senses with experiences within. You might even find yourself on top of space among the planets. The immersion is quite dramatic, with some users reporting feelings of movement as they ascend a staircase or ride a roller coaster within the virtual environment. Augmented reality however, takes our current reality and adds something to it. It does not move us elsewhere. It simply “augments” our current state of presence, often with clear visors by utilizing the camera on a cell phone. Instances of increased reality encounters incorporate Snapchat focal points and the game Pokemon Go.